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Experience the pinnacle of spiritual journeys with Qasswa Travel & Tours' Umrah services. Our signature Umrah Premium program is designed to provide a luxurious and deeply enriching pilgrimage, ensuring every detail of your journey is handled with utmost care and professionalism. From comprehensive packages including visa processing, flights, accommodations, and ground transportation to guided tours, we ensure comfort and convenience. Our experienced mutawif offer valuable insights and support, helping you perform your religious duties with ease and understanding. With personalized services catering to your specific needs and preferences, we strive to make your Umrah experience as comfortable and fulfilling as possible.

Join a community of fellow pilgrims from Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore, and share in this spiritual journey together. As a licensed travel agency and a member of MATTA and BUMITRA Malaysia, Qasswa Travel & Tours is committed to maintaining the highest standards of service and excellence. Choose Qasswa Travel & Tours for your Umrah pilgrimage and embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, bringing you closer to your spiritual goals in comfort and peace.

Muslim Tours

Qasswa Travel & Tours holds the prestigious Muslim Tour License (MFAR), demonstrating our commitment to providing exceptional travel services that cater to the specific needs of Muslim travelers as well as the non-Muslims. As a member of MATTA and BUMITRA Malaysia, we uphold the highest standards of excellence in the industry. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that every journey with Qasswa is a seamless, spiritually enriching, and unforgettable experience.

Medical Tourism

Qasswa Travel & Tours is committed to offering top-tier Medical Tourism services, ensuring that clients receive the best healthcare options while enjoying a comfortable and stress-free journey. Our services include arranging medical consultations, treatments, and post-treatment care, coupled with premium travel arrangements. Our participation in workshops organized by Tourism Malaysia underscores our dedication to staying updated with industry trends and providing our clients with the most current and effective medical tourism solutions.

Edu Tourism

Qasswa Travel & Tours is at the forefront of Edutourism, creating enriching travel experiences that combine education with exploration. We design unique programs that offer cultural immersion, educational tours, and interactive learning opportunities. By attending workshops organized by Tourism Malaysia, we continually enhance our offerings, ensuring that our Edutourism packages are innovative, educational, and align with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

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